Podcast #52: What Will Your Obituary Say?

Welcome back to Monday Motivation podcast: No More Excuses! 

This is WEEKK #52! Wooohooo one year of motivating others to live their life to the fullest! Yes, achieving goals, turning dreams into reality and maximizing their potential so that they do NOT live a life of regret. 

So, are you? Are you maximizing your potential? Or are you living a life with regret? How will you know until the end? Well, let’s start there. Yep, the end!


What will people say about you? What do you WANT people to say about you? Oh, you “HOPE” people say nice things? As you’ve heard me say, “HOPE shows doubt!”

Listen in as you’re developing HOW you will continue to work hard for YOU. And you agree and commit to yourself that you are worth it… If tomorrow was the end, what would you want people to say about you at the funeral? What do you want your obituary to say?

That is the homework this week… write your obituary! I have a worksheet! Download from my website! Post a comment or email to me: SBallard@GrowingForward.biz

REMEMBER! Please share this podcast and tell me WHERE you are listening from! 

Have a great week! See you back here next week!

Cheers! Sandi