Podcast #99: FOCUS Makes the World Go Round

Happy Monday Motivation!

Welcome back and thank you for listening and for sharing this podcast! 

Last week I had you check the progress on your goals and make a note about what had been DISTRACTING you! Identifying what is keeping you from making progress is key to getting back on-track. Getting FOCUSED. Refocused if you’re off-track. 

Determining what’s distracting you will help, but digging deeper is where you’ll find SUCCESS. WHY are you allowing it? It’s easy to get distracted, and like I mentioned in last week’s podcast, “what you allow, is what will continue”. So if you continue to “enable” your distractions, then that’s what will continue to move you further from your goals. The WHY? What’s behind it? You allow it for a reason. Boundaries. Fear perhaps? 

How can you get back on-track? FOCUS ON YOUR OWN SHIT! Stop hiding behind other people’s “needs” to avoid doing what YOU need to do! Fear is the killer of success. Trust me, I’ve allowed it to take hold of me and keep me from doing what I “said” I would do. And now I’m fighting hard to gain traction fast. 

And it’s all through the POWER of FOCUS!

Listen in this week and think about again what’s been distracting you and HOW you can FOCUS on what you want, need and desire so you can ACHIEVE your SUCCESS!

Have a great week, and if you just can’t… email me and let me help you, get back on-track and find your passion again.

Cheers! Sandi