Welcome back to the weekly podcast No More Excuses! And thank you for SHARING!
This week’s theme is courtesy of a big-ass AHA moment that I had while having a conversation with a long-time friend and colleague! Two weeks ago in podcast #107 I talked about “drawing the line” and letting go of uncertainty and the past and then last week’s podcast #108 I ask you about a time when you blamed someone else for your mistakes and lack-of success.
During this conversation about a sudden change in this persons life, I recalled a time that a similar situation happened to me, and as we were talking I realized I was a big-ass HYPOCRITE! LOL! I hadn’t truly “let it go” and if I would discuss the event with someone, I am not only still bitter and discussing what-ifs, I would BLAME certain people for their ignorance and lack-of ability to understand how to run an organization. It’s been about 10 years! I mean for the LOVE OF GOD BALLARD… LET. IT. GO!
So, listen in this week as I reflect on this moment and what I did to start PRACTICING WHAT I PREACH! And then tell me… DO YOU?
I look forward to hearing from you and if you think you’re perfect and have never NOT used the “Do As I Say, Not As I Do” scenario, then you should click here to schedule an strategy session with me PRONTO!
Have a great week of doing what you say AND DO!
Cheers! Sandi