Podcast #133: Who’s the Ringmaster of Your Show?


Welcome back to the weekly podcast

No More Excuses!

Thank you for listening, connecting with me on social media, sharing this podcast, and… GIVING A SHIT!

Last Saturday, Oct 13 was my birthday! Wheeee! And last Tuesday I went to lunch with some girlfriends from high school and one of them obviously has been listening! Among all my great gifts was a pair of socks with “Ringmaster of the Shit Show” on them! I LOVE THEM! It got me thinking about my clients, what they go through and, sometimes how I gain new clients due to what they are going through… as I tend to call it, a “shit storm” or a “shit show”! 

No matter how successful you are, there will always be a time when shit WILL go sideways. And, it’s how you handle it. Whether that’s asking for help from someone (like me), your team, or a mentor, there’s always a way to get a handle on “your show”. There’s a way to take over the reign.

The socks gave me clarity about the role I play with my clients. I am the “Ringmaster”, until you learn the ropes!

Last week’s podcast was having you work on your “1-Thing-A-Day” toward your UNFINISHED BUSINESS. How have you been doing? Realizing that this unfinished goal is probably due to you NOT getting a handle on your “shit show”… isn’t it? A-ha! See, now you understand and realize why it’s been so hard don’t you?

Listen in THIS week as I talk about a client who’s had a hard time getting a handle on hers, so I came in as her “Ringmaster” and helped her become the star of her own show! And then email me what you think you are the Ringmaster of!

As always, if you can’t manage what’s in YOUR RING, then click here to schedule a call to have me help you! And thanks to my friend Claudia who helped me identify what my role truly is… and have more fun with it! I love helping my clients gain clarity, and turn the “show” over to them!

Have a great week, I look forward to hearing from you! Cheers! Sandi