Podcast #147: Change. That is All.


Welcome back to the weekly podcast No More Excuses! Thanks for listening and sharing the podcasts. It’s always great to hear from you, whether by email, post, social media.

This week I jump right into it. Are you living by your Word of the Year? Do you know? Did you check? Did you even decide what your WORD is? If not… get on it! 

Because last week’s podcast was about paying attention, looking to see what’s going on around you… creating AWARENESS. This will tell you if you’re living by your Word of the Year. It’s not too early to check. 

Awareness if the agent of change. But how? You’ve heard the saying, “You don’t know what you don’t know”, right? So, you need awareness to know if, and what you need to change!

I know many of you hate the word CHANGE. Maybe some of you don’t want to, or think you need to change, but how do you GROW? Change is about growth. It helps you continue to learn and grow. And find out if you’re on-track, stuck or even worse… lost!

So, listen in this week as I talk about WHY I wanted you to “look around” and create awareness so early in the year, and what I want to hear from you!

I look forward to hearing and helping you start this year off STRONG!

Have a great week,

