Podcast #148: No Matter Who You Are…


Welcome back to the weekly podcast No More Excuses!

Thanks for listening, sharing and connecting with me on social media. Don’t forget to message me on social media so I know you’re a listener! And, that way I will connect with you!

It’s the last week of January – the last few days are upon us! Last week’s podcast was about checking in on progress, but more so about creating AWARENESS so you can make changes early in the process. Awareness helps you make the changes necessary. If you aren’t aware, you don’t know things need to change, right?

So, what did you become AWARE of?

This week is a little longer of a podcast as I talk about one client’s experience with awareness. I met with her and her two managers and I had asked them all to stop, look around, listen. And then in our session we talked about what they had become aware of. It was a very eye-opening conversation for them, as they actually hadn’t realized what they were aware of. And now, they can start making the changes necessary to help them move forward, reduce some staff AND client frustrations and perhaps increase revenue!

Awareness is powerful. I also talk about something I became aware of in regards to a personal goal I hadn’t achieved. I knew I hadn’t achieved it, I knew why, but I looked deeper into it and realized the impact. And now, I have stopped “beating myself up”, and know what I need to do to achieve it quickly.

This week’s podcast is taking that awareness and understanding how you can work through the STRUGGLE. Because, as I talk about in Chapter FOUR of my latest book, The Magic Pill, it doesn’t matter who you are, how successful you are… EVERYONE’S STRUGGLE IS REAL! So, how can you use your awareness to not just get through your struggles, but also recognize and help others?

Have a great week! I look forward to hearing from you!

