Welcome back the weekly podcast No More Excuses! Thank you for listening, sharing this podcast via your social media outlets. If you’re new to my podcast, welcome and thank you for being here.
For those of you who’ve listened weekly, you’ve done the hard part! The review of your year [well, I hope you have!] If not, go back to podcast #183. Looking into your environment – the WHO and WHAT in your world and clean it up! Make the changes necessary and allow the space for new opportunities – new adventures and then upgrading your environment so you’ll have the tools to make you successful!
Do you need staff? A new mic and laptop [like me!]? New running shoes, outfit, desk or even a car? It could be something simple like a more comfortable chair or décor to help you enjoy your space more! What can help you be more efficient? Productive? Effective as a business owner –leader – parent – spouse?
What if money was no object? How would you upgrade your environment then? At the monthly women’s CONNECTing event, B!TCHEZ & BOOZE I help facilitate in Indiana [and soon to launch in Orange County, CA] I asked that question to the attendees. We heard, “An office with windows”, and “an assistant” among other things! So… how would you? How will it help you finish 2019 STRONG? Keep that vision handy! Write it down, put it on your vision board or in a journal. Really think about it!
Do you have a good vision? Like I talked about and asked in last week’s podcast, “how have you grown so far this year?” Growth can happen both literally and figuratively, so don’t think just in dollars! Money is a RESULT of your actions and growth.
Listen in this week as I get you to think about the RESULT of these potential upgrades. What additional GROWTH would happen from digging deeper so you can PLAY BIGGER?!?
What MORE can you do? What MORE do you want? Tell me! Email me or post here in the comments section. I asked many of my clients that question and got an array of answers. Again, try to think BIGGER and not so literally!
I look forward to hearing from you. And if you can’t seem to pull a bigger vision together or think you have “all you need”, contact me. Let me help you see what you MORE YOU CAN DO!
Have a great week!