Welcome back to the weekly podcast No More Excuses! I appreciate you being here, for listening and for sharing this podcast on your social media so youcan help others learn and grow as well!
Last week’s podcast was about asking for help so you can truly finish the year strong. Doing the weekly action activity, that I gave to you last week as homework, can help you see if you are or are not getting the results you desire and if not… WHO can help? WHAT do you need?
And now we have six week to go people! And we’re playing for RESULTS! Yes, many of my clients tend to be overachievers, and they aren’t quite sure about the “playing” shit! LOL! So, we’ve had to talked through some examples, and here’s one of mine:
Week of Nov 4th, the RESULT I was playing for: Start building my network here in HB.
Action 1: Network Action 2: Create a MeetUp group Action 3: Post in the HB Facebook groups about who I am / new here
WHAT HAPPENED: I met three people in person from the MeetUp group, I have at least seven new FB friends, have had coffee with one, 52 Members of the MU group and two have asked to meet to discuss using my coaching services!
Week of Nov. 11th, I was back in Indiana and the RESULT I was playing for: Reaffirm relationships with clients & have a successful B!tchez & Booze event.
Action 1: Connect with more people at B&B Action 2: Get clients set up with the 6-week FINISH STRONG program Action 3: Provoke great conversation with clients
WHAT HAPPENED: You’ll have to listen in! And you’ll have to listen in to hear what RESULTS I want to play for THIS week!
This activity helped me, as well as my clients, think less tactically and discover the deeper meaning behind “order Christmas cards” and “read a non-business book”!
And maybe you see that you can achieve MORE! PLAY BIGGER! So… from last week’s challenge: what would help you? I heard, “I need a BADASS assistant”, and “a couple more team members”and even, “I need a day to do nothing!”
Yes, finishing strong can mean taking a breath! The Holidays can be emotional and taxing on top of your last PUSH to achieve your goals, and you can’t get there if you’re not functioning at 100% can you?!
But how do you know if you’re exhausted, overwhelmed and just powering through or actually need help?
Again, listen in as I share more examples, including last Friday when I was in Indiana at my monthly accountability group I facilitate, and how through discussion, I helped them see ALL what they had accomplished so far by asking them to answer ONE question!
And I want you to answer that as well! And then don’t forget to follow me on social media so you can continue to think deeper and work on finishing your year strong!
And if you can’t figure it out, would you just click here to email me and LET’S TALK! We WILL figure it out!
Have a great week and let’s keep PLAYING FOR RESULTS! Cheers! Sandi