Podcast #207: What’s The RESULT of All Of This?


Welcome back and thanks for listening and sharing this podcast with others. Hopefully you are healthy and have toilet paper! 

The last couple week’s podcasts were about Simon Sinek’s book that I recently finished “Start With WHY”. Two weeks ago, I asked WHY you do what you do. Last week was HOW – the process. And yes, this week, as we all wonder how we will all survive this crazy-ass pandemic and the effects it is having on our businesses, I ask you to focus on the RESULT of your WHY… WHAT do you do? 

This week I share my concerns and as a business owner and Coach… I am right there with you. I have a client who is in her first year of business and this is a very important time for production, and I’ve met two women who are about to open a business in mid-April. It can be easy to fall into the mindset of worry and questioning. And, I definitely won’t discount anyone’s fears right now. But, as a Coach, I am doing my best to help people stay focused on the future and suggesting everyone take the time to do what Simon Sinek talks about… truly understand your WHY, your HOW and WHAT… THE RESULT of your WHY.

If you need to pivot, add or change products or services, now would be the time. Review Q1 and be ready to continue to be the most resilient group of people I know… ENTREPRENEURS! If anyone knows how to DIG DEEP, YOU DO!

Also, THIS WEDNESDAY, March 18th 9am PST, I am hosting a FREE Zoom call for anyone who wants to talk through their fears, challenges, and perhaps help others realize their not alone, as well as share ways they have stayed on-track during challenging times. Click here on Weds to join in

Have a HEALTHY week everyone. I look forward to hearing from you and SEEING you on Wednesday.

Cheers! Sandi