Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses! Thank you for being here and for listening and sharing this podcast with others.
I hope you are all healthy and still doing your best to DO YOUR BEST!
In last week’s podcast, I shared how I was “over it”, tired of all of this – I had just hit a wall and wanted some sort of normalcy. Although this – whatever THIS is – will probably be part of our new routines. The “new for now”, really isn’t relative because what we had in our past is NOT coming back. Maybe part of it, but we all have to start looking forward!
And, what popped into my head during my “I’m tired of this phase”, was what I did during the 2008-2010 recession. In this week’s podcast I share how I turned what people were expecting MORE of during that very stressful and bleak outlook into a light, interactive and REFRESHING time.
I inserted FUN and LAUGHTER into a what is normally a very report-driven event! People left the event laughing and continued talking about it for a long time. And then, I repeated it that next year when everything was still attempting to recover.
In this week’s podcast, I share stories of laughter and fun that I’ve experienced myself, I’ve seen happen and I’ve read on Facebook posts.
Even when we’re laughing, we’re growing and learning! And right now, we all need a little shift in our mindsets to help us prepare for “what’s next”.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Cheers! And, keep DOING YOUR BEST!
And, if you are NOT finding the ability to laugh or work through any sort of funk, reach out to me please! Sandi