Welcome back to my weekly podcast No More Excuses. Thank you for listening and sharing this podcast with others! And, connect with me on social media PLEASE!
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I went there! Yep. I followed that rabbit in. But, I turned around and ran out! This week I tell on myself again. However, I did it to see who YOU are! I upgraded my Libsyn account to see more stats and BOOM! I saw that fuzzy cute rabbit called statistics and started following it down!
Like in last week’s podcast – and all week on social media – I talk about how it JUST TAKES ONE. One thing to get you off-track [and also just one thing to get you BACK on!] And, well, all it took was intrigue about WHO is listening!
As easy as it was for me to go chasing those damn furry rabbits, as I mentioned, I turned around and ran out. It’s like I tripped on a tree root and it stopped me. In this week’s podcast, I talk about my “trigger” or “tool” that helped me “get out alive!”
What about you? What has helped you? And… what was the RESULT? Yes, you’ll have to listen in to know WTAF I am talking about! What I do know is, that because of the help of my “tool”, I had time to be intentional, and I now know that I HAVE ONE LISTENER IN FIJI!! If you are that person… click here to email me now or message me on social media!
And then make sure you’re connected with me, as this week on social media as I will continue with stories and tips on how to STOP yourself. And, I’d love for you to share yours!
Have a great rabbit-hole-free week!
Cheers! Sandi