Podcast #248: Don’t Let It Interfere!


Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses.

Thank you for listening and connecting with me on social media. We’re here! The last week of 2020!

Week 52 of the year and week 248 of these podcasts.

In last week’s podcast I asked, “What have YOU done consistently for that long besides breath?”

I heard from quite a few of you, and even had some listeners share on their social media and asked their followers, so thank you for that!

One of the answers I heard was “stay motivated by listening-to podcasts and reading motivational posts – like yours! Uh… Yay! I share others’ responses in the podcast.

And now, it’s time to look at those RESULTS! It’s what continues to keep us motivated and making progress!

So, what’s happened because of doing something consistently? For me with my podcasts, I’ve achieved a goal of expanding my network, connections and building a global community for women named The TABOO! Tribe!

What about you?

CONSISTENCY = RESULTS. But, you have to be motivated by something to continue. So, is it the RESULT that keeps you going? 

This week I get a little philosophical on your asses! I share what I’ve heard people focusing on. And, well, it’s going to limit you – and I’ve caught myself doing the same thing!

And now, we’re at the last week of December. I’ve challenged you all to DO MORE the last few months, and even last week – two weeks left, and holidays, I asked what MORE you could do.

Otherwise, how can you continue to challenge yourself – and help others to – do more, be more and achieve more?

Life is a team sport people, so get ready because next week is NEXT YEAR! Are you ready to PLAY? 

Listen in as I talk about how to challenge yourself ONE LAST TIME FOR THIS YEAR… and, what to focus on during the countdown to 2021.

Keeping my positive pants on wasn’t easy this year, but by focusing on what I CAN do has helped. I share more about that in the podcast as well. 

So, if you’re going to make a New Years Resolution, how about you RESOLVE TO LIVE BY YOUR WORD OF THE YEAR! Then, your goals, actions and thoughts will align itself. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE FREE WORKSHEET!


My new year program 6 weeks to success: 6 weeks of 30 min calls $200.21 more than half off! Why? Because I want to help as many people kick start 2021 as possible. Prefer a GROUP? I have a monthly group starting as well. 6-month commitment. 6 people. 60-min calls. Click here to sign up!

Have a wonderful week, please comment, email me or post on social media how you are finishing 2020 STRONG-er than you expected!

Cheers! Sandi