Podcast #252: Are you Ready?


Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses.

Thank you for listening and sharing the podcasts and connecting with me on social media.

It was quite the start to 2021, and as much as things at times still feel uncertain and unsettling, I also feel the optimism and see the determination from clients, and friends to get things going and kick ass this year. I know I’m ready to get to that next level. Whether you kicked-ass or feel like last year sucked-ass, there’s always that NEXT LEVEL to get to. You just have to be ready and WANT it!

And, we all know what we need to get there. Yep… LEVERAGE!

In last week’s podcast I talked about LEVERAGE. The fact that there’s only ONE you. We all have something uniquely different. And we call that LEVERAGE! Using your special talents and skill set to propel you forward. To lift that giant-ass boulder of anxiety out of your way so you can succeed.

As I discussed last week, we all have that little bit of a light in us somewhere and we need to get it burning bright to give us the energy we need, or it will burn us from the inside and that’s not indigestion!

In this week’s podcast I talk more about how by NOT confronting what you are avoiding, you keep yourself from achieving your goals.

Yes, the rollercoaster ride of 2020 has turned into a teeter totter.

Much like my story last week about horseback riding and my horse, Dusty avoiding the mud. We all avoid shit we don’t want to deal with. 


In this week’s podcast, I share stories of my own and clients who had been avoiding doing, trying and saying and how it had been holding them back. Yes, I tried  and DID some things and fell flat on my face, and other times I had amazing success! 

Yes, sometimes conflict can arise, but also RELIEF and SUCCESS can happen. 

What will you choose this year? HOW can you CONFRONT what you know “NEEDS TO CHANGE”?

Email me or post in the comments, what you’ve been avoiding! Go to my website and click on the pop-up window to get your free worksheet to help you identify what you’re avoiding and help you trust enough to take that step!

Have a great week as it’s time to take that step and see the world differently!

Cheers! Sandi