Podcast #253: What are Yours?


Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses.

Thank you for listening and sharing the podcasts and connecting with me on social media.

One month down already! Welcome to February. And, if you’re like many others out there, you may just now be getting around to setting goals or really digging in and getting started. Some of you may even have seasonal depression. I just found out a friend of mine has it and, she went through my Finish the Year Strong-er online course and she said it really helped her! 

She CONFRONTED what she typical avoids: Setting goals, finishing the year, doing much of anything, and she did NOT allow the seasonal depression didn’t suck her in as much as normal. She had focus and saw her progress, which kept her MOTIVATED, and wanting MORE!

What about you? How have you started the year, and as I discussed in last week’s podcast, what have you AVOIDED doing, trying, saying?

Maybe it’s something as simple as avoiding a workout class because you think you’ll suck at it? Or perhaps you’ve avoided making a suggestion at work because you’re not sure how to discuss it with the boss? In this week’s podcast, I share how one of my clients did NOT avoid making a suggestion to the owner, and how it’s working great and increased productivity and client experience.

Again, are you avoiding starting a business because you don’t know how, or don’t think you have the money or just don’t know where to start, and think a Coach – like me – will be too expensive? Maybe you’re afraid to fail. Yep. What if, what if, what if?

Yeah… WHAT IF?

Listen in this week as I talk about the WHAT IF issue that many of us have.

What-if’s can cloud our minds with negative thoughts and keep us from taking that step. And, What-if’s can also help you TAKE that step and create unlimited possibilities.

Listen in and then share with me!

Download your FREE What-If Worksheet from my website www.BadassBusiness.Coach

Have great week filled with WHAT-IF’s. The kind that get you excited and feel amazingly BADASS!

Cheers! Sandi