Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses.
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The first quarter is coming to a close, so we’ve got to do some deeper digging to finish strong!
Last week’s podcast was about Work. Work. WORK! A 4-letter word.
I asked what have you been putting off doing, that you know needs to be done because it’s going to suck, going to be hard, or you may have to ask for help?
I heard from quite a few people, with TAXES being the main thing for many people. Others shared with me: social media posts, website updates, tracking calories, and the infamous getting help to stop smoking. And, even hiring a new staff person.
In last week’s podcast, I also briefly touched on Chapter 5 in my book “The Magic Pill” titled “This or That”. In this chapter, I talk about the fact that you have two choices:
- Do it, OR
- Pay for it!
But you have to dig deeper than that.
In today’s podcast, I talk about how to determine “what is it a good use of YOUR time.” Not everyone has the funds to pay for it, so you’ve gotta do it… for now. And then that’s what we focus on in our coaching sessions.
I’ve had a client for over five years, and one of the things she always complained about was “not having enough time to get everything done”. Listen in as I share the homework assignment I gave her… and have given many others, and maybe YOU!
And, listen in, as I tell you how to do this activity to help you learn what is, and is not, a good use of your time… and how to move forward to focus on what WILL help you grow!
This homework assignment was eye opening for her, and for anyone who has done it. So, if you’ve heard yourself say “I don’t have enough time to get it all done”, or “I need MORE of me”, you need to listen in and then DO THIS!
So again, listen in so you can learn how to be more productive by mastering YOUR time!