Podcast #268: What’s Next? YOU!


Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses.

Thank you for being here!  Don’t forget to check out the DIY resources on my website, and also connect with me on social media for continued challenges, tips and articles!

So, tell me, how have you been? Did you experience that “Spring Cleaning Feeling” I talked about in last Monday’s podcast? I had a full WEEK of that feeling with my new screaming-fast laptop. Even though it’s a refurbished, it’s eight years newer, more memory and just… WOW! It’s definitely helping me feel more productive and efficient as I’m not having to wait for programs to open, the computer to “think” and it’s most definitely not stressing me out! I’m able to do so much more research for articles, tips and ideas and just faster!

That Spring Cleaning feeling will help you LEVEL UP! How? The energy will help you stay focused, which increases your productivity. You’ll see your progress and that is what gets you excited, and then that circle of amazingness helps you stay MOTIVATED! Or well, it should!

Listen in TODAY as I share a few examples I heard from listeners on how they achieved that “Spring Cleaning Feeling”

It was great hearing from you and how the podcast resonated with you and helped you capture that feeling! And well, when you realize by FIXING the shit that’s broken, you CAN and WILL be PRODUCTIVE as F@CK! It’s such a huge mindset shift.

As all the quotes and posts were about last week, “Be Intentional”, “Time is non-refundable”, “Your Future is Created by what YOU do TODAY!”

So what now? Yea, I always ask that or What’s Next? Now that things are getting fixed, what’s next on the list? Listen in to today’s podcast as I share a story from a client session last week. How he’s been so busy he’s not focused on himself or “What’s Next”, and in-turn has been making mistakes.

Then make sure to check my social media as this week will be about what YOU are doing for you, personally and professionally!

Have a productive and efficient week! Cheers! Sandi