Podcast #270: How STRONG are yours?


Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses.

Thank you for being here, listening and connecting with me on social media!

Happy Memorial Day. That is a very weird thing to say isn’t it? “Happy” when you’re honoring those who aren’t with us any longer. Not to start off on a weird, somber note, but well, it is Memorial Day here in America, so please take a moment to HONOR those who gave so we can have.

Last Monday’s podcast was about [RE]focusing on you and your priorities. How have you been doing with putting you and your PRIORITIES first? In today’s podcast I share more about how my clients has been doing and by his refocusing on him, how it’s helped his team!

SO EXCITING to see my coaching working!

Last Monday’s podcast was about digging deeper, stop doing shit that isn’t helping you grow and learning to SLOW down to SPEED up!

So many things. But hey we’re 5 months into the new year, and with hopefully a mask-free breath of fresh air, we can all do a little more than we thought so we can LEVEL-UP!

What did you do to dig a little deeper than normal? Today I share how I DUG DEEPER, as well as a client. And why and how she’s EXCITED to get out of bed!

Speaking of being excited to get up in the morning. Yes, PASSION and not that kind!

The passion to get out of bed ready to kick ass!

Listen in today as I discuss a conversation I had recently with someone about how he’s not excited right now to get up and do what he does for a living. Remember a few podcasts ago, I talked about what keeps you up and night should get you out of bed in the morning? We all want to be HAPPY with what we do. In life and at work. Part of that is by doing what we’re GOOD at, using our SKILLS. But we all don’t have that luxury. Or do we? We may just not be tapping into it properly!

Are you? If not, CLICK HERE to schedule your FREE 30-minute session NOW, or DIG DEEPER and let’s do a full strategy session about why you aren’t ready to JUMP out of BED and KICKASS!

Have a great week of being HAPPY, Doing what you’re good at and KICKING ASS! Cheers! Sandi