Podcast #321: Do It Anyway!


Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses.

Thank you for being here, for listening and sharing this podcast with others! 

Last Monday’s podcast was about avoiding BURNOUT! Making sure you are taking care of yourself, taking time off to give yourself a mental break and all-in-all, just not working yourself into a state of being sick and tired!

In the end, all it does is cause you more stress as you lay there exhausted, and think of all the shit you “need” to get done! It’s so much easier to pace yourself as you go!

Listen in today as I talk about how last week I was off schedule with my workouts and by Friday I could tell! I was antsy and just out of sorts. It was crappy outside and I didn’t want to go do my run.

I didn’t want to, but I DID!

And because of that, my day was SO MUCH BETTER! We’ve all been there!

We’ve all had to do things we didn’t want to do. Yes, my first choice of the day was a personal one, but as you’ve heard me talk about, our personal shit affects our professional lives! 

When you’re not taking a break and giving yourself the time to “check out”, you don’t give your mind the opportunity to process things. 

When you give yourself time away, you get clarity! You’re more rested, relaxed, and able to handle the shit show that life and business can be sometimes! 

I’ll say it again, if you’re burned out or just mentally exhausted, you’re more than likely not going to be able to handle important decisions, be productive, and do things you really don’t want to do, but need to!

What are you NOT doing?

