Podcast #326: Let Freedom Ring!


Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses.

Thank you for being here, for listening and sharing this podcast with others! 

Happy Independence Day – 4th of July for us ‘Merican’s!

Last Monday’s podcast was about reviewing your year so far and identifying if things are important enough for you to find a way to get them done or find an excuse!

What did you do to finish June and the first half of the year strong?! I wanted to get my book to the editor, and well that did NOT happen for a couple reasons. 

I did NOT achieve my goal, and I am a bit disappointed, but I did not, and I won’t give up! And I certainly didn’t say, “well there’s always next year or next month and stop! 

What about you?

Did you achieve your 30-day goal? Did you make progress toward your overall yearly goals?

As we begin July, we can really think about how to make shit happen! 

Listen in today and think about how can what you’ve set your mind on accomplishing help you achieve your INDEPENDENCE?

What can you do to bring more freedom or independence into your life – personally or professionally?

How does your business or job allow you the freedom to grow, to be creative, to help others and more! And how does that freedom allow you to be the confident, independent person you want to be?

So today and this week… share in the comments or email me what you do and how you feel about what you do!

