Podcast #385: How Can You Inspire Others?


Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses!

You can also view the video on my YouTube channel!

This week isn’t necessarily focused directly on business ownership or leadership, but what it is about, is what we can do as people – as humans to inspire others. It COULD be through our business, the company you own, the products or services we sell or support and even the people we lead.

What would you inspire them to do? And how?

I’m sure some of you may think you don’t do anything important enough that would inspire someone. Or perhaps you’re thinking I am a nice person. I am a good human, but how does that inspire someone to do more or to change a habit?

Well, obviously you’ll have to listen in today as I give you many ways that you could inspire someone!

If you have staff, how do you inspire them to give you their all? How do you inspire them to work late or extra hours? How do you inspire them to STAY and, well perhaps inspire other staff members?

There’s a lot of little things each of us can do that will inspire someone to change a habit, take tht first step to do something amazing, to get out of a situation, or just to carry that “pay it forward” type mentality of inspiring others as well.

Share in the comments or email me at Sandi@SandiBallard.com how you’ve inspired someone or perhaps how someone inspired you and how it’s changed your life!

