Podcast #387: Turn Your Impatience into Motivation

Happy Monday Motivation!

Welcome back to my podcast, No More Excuses!

A couple weeks ago I did a talk and social media posts focused on “patience”. What came up during that time, was learning whether you “want” or “need” something immediately.

When we’re impatient, we can get demanding. And impatience – as I mentioned in my talk – stems from frustration, stress, and fear. When you’re “asking” for something to happen faster than normal, quicker than the person anticipated, or even before the deadline, WHY?

Do you really NEED it NOW? Or do you WANT it?

It doesn’t matter if it’s business growth or getting something done at home… WHY does it need to happen NOW?

Listen in to hear me ask you PLENTY of questions about YOUR impatience and where it stems from!

So many times our impatience stems from something we allowed or didn’t think through.

How did we get to where we live in such an impatient world?

Wouldn’t you like to have a bit more calm in your life?

I know shit happens, but again, most of our impatience we bring on ourselves.

This podcast is about MOTIVATION, and many times our motivation gets lost along the way. 

Listen in, identify where you are most impatient, WHY and during the holidays, take some time to practice turning your IMPATIENCE into MOTIVATION!

The MOTIVATION to do MORE. Get MORE. Achieve MORE!

Feel free to connect with me to discuss!

