Happy Monday Motivation!
Welcome back to my podcast, No More Excuses!
As we begin December, we have a lot of distractions with the holidays. This month can be stressful and it can steal your focus from you and your ability to achieve your goals.
And… I’m not the only one talking about how to “Finish the year STRONG!”
This is the time of the year when I ask my clients – and I’m asking you – not just “How will you finish the year strong?” but also, “What will you do DIFFERENTLY to help you FINISH STRONG?”
Consistency is a big part of success, but the more important thing – as I preach all year long – is to check your progress and see how you’re doing. With four weeks left in the year, how will you finish strong? How will you finish strong if you are not making progress? That’s where finishing and doing something DIFFERENTLY comes in. Think back to how you finished last year. Did you achieve your goals? Or are you working on the same goals you had from last year? If that’s the case then, do you really want to finish the same? What will you CHANGE to make sure you finish the year DIFFERENTLY?
Listen in as I give you examples of common personal and professional goals and how to determine whether you need to do something differently or not.
What’s worked and not worked? And the million-dollar question: “Are you open to trying something different?”
Are you satisfied with where you are, or are you settling?
Are you already thinking to yourself” “There’s always next year!”
The people who tend to say that are the ones who just give up at the end of the year.
My challenge for you today – and this week – is to really look at where you are with your goals and identify what is least ONE thing you WILL DO differently to end the year
and a little differently!
As always, please feel free to post or comments, questions or email me at sandi@sandiballard.com. I’m here to help! I’d love to hear what you are doing DIFFERENTLY to finish the year S.A.F?
Have a great week.
PS: Watch for changes with the podcast next year! Including special monthly guests, getting back to my more edgier-self, promos just for you listeners, and a website dedicated just to this podcast!