Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses! Thank you for listening, mentioning this podcast with others, sharing it on your social… much like my guest on this week podcast regularly does!
But mostly for investing in YOU!
We all, at some point in our lives have used EXCUSES for WHY we stopped, quit, gave up and “used to [fill in the blank]” and also blamed family, weather, time, money and many MANY other things.
And, in last week’s podcast, I shared an excerpt from my 2nd book, “How Badly Do You Want ‘IT’?” and also, in my social media, gave you the link to download it! And, that’s what you have to decide… How Badly Do You Want… “IT”. Whatever IT is to you. How badly do you want to SUCCEED? To achieve a GOAL? To get that promotion? Lose weight? Run a marathon? Start a business? Increase sales… etc. etc…. RIGHT?
It’s easy to NOT change things up and give up! It’s easier to find excuses as to WHY and much easier to blame than own it and try again!
This week’s podcast is also a VIDEO interview [click blue link to go to Youtube!] that I did with long-time listener, Nikki, who, as she said, “learned how to MOVE OVER her excuses and turned them into reasons, and didn’t give up”!
She connected with me on Instagram and I’ve followed her back. I’ve watched HER journey. And, when she stepped away from her side-gig, she didn’t give any of that bullshit. She just stepped away. And, when she came back, she gave NO EXCUSES! She was honest, discussed her REASON and, well, you’ll have to listen in as to what happened and what helped her return!
We also could have stopped the interview or not done it as a video because of the “weather” and “her internet went down”, but, as you listen or watch it, you’ll see that she, once again, did NOT use excuses, blame and bullshit, she got back on and we had a great conversation! She turned her excuses into reasons in her life, business… and this interview!
So, listen or watch this week’s podcast, and then watch social media for this week’s challenge… FROM NIKKI!
And, if you’d like to follow her on Instagram: @Nikkalicousfitness
Have a great week and I look forward to hearing from you! Cheers! Sandi