Welcome back and THANK YOU for listening to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses! And, thank you for sharing this podcast with others.
Last week’s podcast was about being PRODUCTIVE not just “busy” as that’s really the only way you’ll GET SHIT DONE! How’d you do? At the end of each day did you review your day to see? And the week?
Really, that is the only way to determine what you accomplished and what you didn’t… and WHY! What’s getting in the way and, what is helping! So, if you did not do your daily/weekly reviews, START NOW! Honestly, it’s something that needs to become a habit! Daily and weekly reviews. Yes, I talk with you about doing reviews for your GOALS, but how else will you achieve your goals if you’re not making progress? No one can do it for you! Ok, yes you need people to help sometimes but… you better be picking up what I’m putting down! LOL!
There are many tools out there to help you. And, in this week’s podcast I brought you one more. Lee Bridges! Well, his book, titled “Do Shit, Get Shit Done” and his attitude! In this week’s podcast Lee and I discuss his book, where he feels people fall short, and he gives you three tips on how to GET SHIT DONE!
So, listen in to get those tips and then watch social media for the daily challenges/questions/articles on really staying FOCUSED to be PRODUCTIVE so you can GET SHIT DONE! [Have I said that enough yet?!]
Have a great week and I look forward to hearing from you! Also, check out my new website: BadassBusiness.Coach – I’m SUPER EXCITED about it, the upcoming events, FREE worksheets to help you, my new coaching platform, and how, through the TABOO! Tribe, women from all over the world can connect!
Cheers! Sandi