Podcast #232: It’s Easier Than You Think!


Welcome back to the weekly podcast No More Excuses.

And, this week is about just that! So, buckle up… as I’m in a mood! But first, I want to THANK YOU for being here and thank Ilona in Latvia and Troy in Texas for listening and connecting with me!

Because of all of you, I hit ANOTHER record! Over 5,000 downloads in August. 5,083 to be exact and 605 in just three days! THANK YOU! I mean really – as that is the reason I keep going!

And as we all start getting back to work or life or whatever is happening now and wherever you are on this roller coaster ride, we’re all getting busier, but are we being productive?

In last week’s podcast I discussed how to stay FOCUSED so you can get shit done. I shared what keeps me focused: My 1-2-3 to-do list, as well as others’ tricks and tips.

And, in podcast 226, Cody Butler gave you tips. But… did you utilize any of them? Or, did you say “this won’t work… for me”?

In this week’s podcast, I get in your shit a bit about using that excuse as well as COVID and uncertainty. So, you’ll have to listen in to hear that rant, but also how BEING PRODUCTIVE vs being BUSY is easier than you think. 

But how? Well, what have you tried lately? Not just “what new thing curing quarantine have you tried and liked”, no I mean WHAT HAVE YOU TRIED and you realized it wasn’t that bad, and/or you actually ACCOMPLISHED something?

I’m interviewing Lee Bridges for next week’s podcast (#233 Sept 14th). He’s the author of “Do Shit. Get Shit Done”. So this is just a prelude. A warm up so-to-speak!


Are you ready? 

Then listen in and let me know… and watch social media for my daily challenges, ideas, tips and tricks and articles on how you can find your BADASSNESS, which will help you do more, so you can ACHIEVE MORE!

Have a great PRODUCTIVE week! As always, click here to set up a time to talk with me if you just can’t get out of the rabbit hole and get focused! Cheers! Sandi