Podcast #226: Taking Advantage of NOW!


Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses! Thank you for listening and sharing this podcast and you’re in for a treat this week! I had the privilege to talk with an amazing business consultant and marketing mentor, Cody Butler!

It was very timely as you know the last few week’s podcasts have been about TAKING STEPS no matter how uncertain you or “things” are, making mistakes and, SLOW DOWN to SPEED UP! And, I’ve shared some of my own personal mistakes, like when I was hurrying, didn’t ask the right questions and my website got taken down because I wanted to make a change and install a plugin and didn’t ask the person on the other end of the “help chat” the right questions. I asked NO questions, just said YES and tapped my foot while I was looking at “what’s next”.

NOT GOOD! The fire hose is on… some of my clients are back in business and I’ve had some others sign up, so I was just drinking from the fire hose and it cost me a lot of time! And, luckily they were able to reload my website… but again… TIME (and a lot of panic!)

So, like I mentioned in last week’s podcast, SLOW DOWN! Take some time to THINK through things, ask questions, hell write down questions before you get on a call or into a meeting so you can be more productive and efficient with your time and others.

And, then this week, as I mentioned Cody Butler is on with me as he gives you 3 TIPS (and a bonus!) TO SEE IMMEDIATE GROWTH or ACTION in these uncertain times. 

It was a fun interview and with him being in Australia, I was glad we could find a time that worked for us. I hope you enjoy his tips and, well, you’ll listen in to hear someone else other than me!

I’ll actually post the video interview on Instagram and Youtube as well!

If you need help implementing the tips, email me! Let’s set up a time to talk through things. And, don’t forget… if you’d rather DIY things, click here to check out my online course: 7 Steps to Update Your Business Plan! Use MEETUP for a discount! 

Have a great week and I look forward to hearing from you on how you will implement the steps Cody gives you!

Cheers! Sandi