Podcast #225: Take a HOT SEC!


Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses! Thank you for being here, listening, sharing the podcast with others… AND for connecting with me on social media. Search for me… DM me so I can follow you back and give you a shout out!

Day-by-Day and step-by-step is all we can do as business continues to be UNusual. And just keep on KEEPING ON!

In last week’s podcast I talked about taking steps and how sometimes that works out and other times, well, we make mistakes… like ME! What about you? What steps did you take that turned out GREAT? And, what mistakes did you make? 

Yes, mistakes create opportunities to learn and prove that we’re trying versus sitting around waiting. But, man, sometimes they sting and in this week’s podcast I share yet another mistake I made.

I was hurrying and made another and I allowed it to occupy space in my head! GRRR! I kept thinking about it and how I could have avoided it. Doesn’t that suck!

We’re all in this hurry-up and wait mode right now. We’re either drinking from the fire hose or sent back to our rooms. Feast or Famine they say. And, this stress and anxiety – the rush to get clients back in, money made – this “grab it while you can, because we don’t know what’s next” mentality has people now making mistakes. 

This week I challenge you to all SLOW DOWN, so you can DO MORE! In this week’s podcast, I share how I almost lost my whole website – well it was down for a little while – because I was in a hurry, and I didn’t ask the right questions.

Ugh! It’s still July. Let’s all enjoy the rest of Summer, take a breath during the continued ride of uncertainty and make sure we’re DOING OUR BEST!

If you’re spinning or just shaking your head – like many of us – email me… let’s talk!

Cheers! Sandi