Podcast #222: They are Endless!


Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses! 

Thanks again for being here, listening and sharing this podcast with others. It’s super easy… just copy and paste the link into your social media! 🙂

Yep, more change and uncertainty! Changes with masks, restaurants open then closed, more events cancelled or postponed or at half-capacity. The whiplash continues!

In last week’s podcast I talk about creating awareness and what can come from that. Learning to be fully present, diligent and intentional. How’d you do? Did you have any A-ha moments? 

I have realized that all of this uncertainty has created the possibility for me to be more able to “go with the flow”. To be more forgiving and aware that the person in front of me – whether it be the cashier at Walmart or the barista at Starbucks is NOT the one making the rules. So be kind. I’m sure they’ve heard all the frustrations, but let’s not “kill the messenger”!

In this week’s podcast, my goal is to help you see what comes next from all of this CHANGE and AWARENESS! What’s next?


I’ve spent the last couple week’s as things have [re]Opened and we have [re]Emerged observing what’s changed and, yes, what’s come from the changes and hopefully what people see.

You can’t see the possibilities if you’re not open to the change and if you don’t take time to become aware. 

Again, listen in this week and tell me what you see!

And, if you can’t SEE what’s next or what COULD be… click here to email me. As frustrating as it is with the continuation of this damn rollercoaster ride, let me help you SEE the POSSIBILITIES.

Have a great week! Cheers! Sandi