Welcome back to the weekly podcast No More Excuses! Thank you for listening and sharing this podcast with others!
I hit a milestone with my podcast… Over 50k downloads and May – perhaps because of the panDAMNIT – the highest # yet! Remember, now that I’ve HIT 50k, the first 5 people to share this podcast AND tag me or include me in the email will win $500 in coaching! So… DO IT!
And, yes what a crazy start to 2020, with the last three months being an epic Shit Show! But, now it’s June 1st and we have to start living life and getting back to “business as unusual”! I read that phrase on Virgin StartUps e-newsletter and thought YES. YES IT IS!
So, as you begin to [RE]open, [RE]EMERGE… it will not be the same and I don’t want a “do-over”, I want to focus on going forward and talk about what we’re doing vs. the “panDamnit” as the #1 topic. As I’ve been on my soap box about – purging and pivoting!
As I mentioned in last week’s podcast, if we’re in this together, then let’s TRULY BE IN THIS TOGETHER… and make BIG SHIT HAPPEN!
It won’t be easy, but we have to focus on the FUTURE! And, those who had set their GOALS, created a PLAN to achieve and yes, have a business plan as well, are the ones that are recovering easier. Do you have yours? Have you updated yours? The ones who have, even though we all still face more uncertainty, the PLAN will help you recover. If you have not updated yours, email me NOW!
Listen in this week, as I challenge you to focus on JUNE! Let’s start small. And, use your WORD OF THE YEAR (email me for the worksheet!) to help you on your COMEBACK! I share how my word of the year has already helped me!
LET’S DO THIS! Don’t forget to SHARE this podcast, tag me and maybe, just maybe, you’ll win some free sessions! Or feel free to “gift them” to someone you know that could use some help PIVOTING, and making a comeback better than ever!
Have a great week!