Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses! Thank you for being here, listening and sharing this podcast with others. I’m assuming you’re sharing… how else are people finding me? Besides me being TOTALLY BADASS!
Yes, last week’s podcast was about remembering or figuring out your WHY. Your purpose. Whether it’s being in the industry you’re in, leading the business you lead, or even own the business you own. WHY?
This week I continue down Simon Sinek’s path from his book, “Start with WHY”.
The next step is really understanding the “HOW”… aka the PROCESS. The actions you taken to realize your WHY!
In the book, Sinek says, “People buy because of your WHY”. Yes, there are people who disagree, and that may be you. You may look at two products or talk with two [or more] different people in the same industry and not have a CLUE what their “WHY” is, but you’ll buy because…. and that “because” may be financial. But think about it. And, again, think about YOUR WHY.
And this week, listen in as I share MY “how” I do what I do.
If you can’t figure out your HOW, let alone your WHY, for the LOVE of all that is GOOD and EVIL… email me. STOP thinking you have to be failing to need a coach or that you don’t want to admit you need help! Yes… that’s why I’ve been doing this shit for years! FOR YOU! So let’s. Friggn. do. this!
Cheers! Sandi