Welcome back and thank you for listening and sharing this podcast and for your comments and input!
On this day, seven years ago, I decided it was time to FOCUS purely on COACHING and started Growing Forward! Fitting as today’s podcast theme is about just that… FOCUS!
Last week’s podcast was me asking you “What’s Next”? Many of you, including me had LOTS of ideas, got excited and did a great deal of research. I LOVE IT! I, myself, watched three webinars, have tons of post-it®notes of ideas on my door, and note pads full of concepts for an app, [YES AN APP!], an online course, and in-person and virtual via Zoom coaching accountability group. I heard from others that, “What’s Next” is “waiting on results from some tests”, another was “ramping up training”, and one other was, “creating my own mentoring program”!
Then I realized, I needed to reel it in! How about you?
Listen in this week as I talk about WHY I got you thinking about what’s next and, then really… WHAT’S NEXT!
And a little surprise, with it being my Work-Aversary, the first 7 [for my seven years] people to answer the challenge, will get a FREE 1-hr coaching call!
Have a great week,