Podcast #199: Are You Ready to Face Your “Waves”!


Welcome back to the weekly podcast No More Excuses! After finding out there had been an error with the podcasts since #196, I am hopeful that you all can hear this now and appreciate everyone who contacted me to let me know!

NOW… if you haven’t yet, go back to 196 and catch up and then come back! And then listen in as the little girl in the podcast image was my inspiration for this week. She had NO FEAR and she FACED HER WAVES! Click here to watch a 1 minute video of how she “faced her “waves”!

Listen in this week as I continue to talk about the importance of your Word of the Year and how it will help you not just start your year off strong, but as you face the rest of the year, it will help you FACE YOUR “WAVES”!

Don’t forget – for all my listeners, I’m holding a ZOOM “Ask Sandi” session on Tues, Jan 28th 6pm EST/3pm PST I hope you will join in!  Click here to register!  Pre-registration is required!

Have a great week!

Cheers! Sandi