Podcast #198: Understanding the Importance


Welcome back to the weekly podcast No More Excuses! Thank you for listening and sharing this podcast with others, and especially for giving me the motivation to continue!

Last week’s podcast was about choosing not just your Word of the Year, but writing a sentence using that WORD. Creating your Mantra for the year. 

In this week’s podcast, I share an example of how a clients’ word for 2020 not only aligns with her goals, but how important it is to her mindset, and how she’s already using her WORD to help her get back on-track!

And, I’ve created something new! I’m super excited about this! I’m using MY word ELEVATE, and will be hosting a [free] POCAST LISTENER “Ask Sandi” Zoom Session! 

WHEN: Tuesday, Jan. 28th. 3:00 p.m. PST

HOW: YOU MUST PRE-REGISTER! Click here: https://preview.tinyurl.com/NoMoreExcusesPodcast


  • Meet other listeners! [We’ll do brief intro’s!]
  • Discuss Monday’s podcast theme! [or others!]
  • Ask me a business/coaching question!

Have a great week and I look forward to hearing from you! Cheers! Sandi