Podcast #188: There’s Still Time!


Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses! Thank you for listening and sharing this podcast to allow others to hear it that may not be subscribed! Don’t forget to connect with me on social media and message me!! I appreciate you!

November is here! There are eight weeks left in 2019! WOW! You’ve done the hard work, put in the effort, but you can’t stop now! But… what you CAN DO is CELEBRATE your EFFORTS, take a breath and make sure your priorities are in-check!

The holiday season is fast approaching, so let’s make sure you are set up for success, so you can ENJOY them, and have fun with family, friends, colleagues!

I’ve said this is many podcasts and client sessions, “If you’re not 100%, how are you showing up for others?” In the last week, I’ve sent one client on vacation, had another schedule date night, reminded another to make Friday night about HER and CELEBRATED with two others for taking time for themselves and they didn’t feel guilty about it!

At the end of the 58 days left in 2019, will you be happy where you are at that point?

Let’s break it down week-by-week. Let’s get INTENTIONAL about the RESULTS you want to PLAY for! Yes, I said PLAY! Let’s have some fun the last eight weeks and for those who listen in and email me what their assignment is [BY WEDS, NOV 6], one person will win weekly coaching for these last eight weeks to help them DIG DEEPER to PLAY BIGGER and, they WILL finish the year STRONG… WILL YOU?

Take some time to get intentional, think about the RESULTS you desire, not just the tasks you want to accomplish. Remember, I help people REALIZE THEIR BADASSNESS. 

Do you know where YOURS is?

Have a great week and I look forward to hearing from you and receiving your homework! And, I’m more excited to help one more person KICK ASS these last eight weeks.

If you can’t quite figure it out, email me. Lets’ talk!

Cheers! Sandi