Welcome back to the weekly podcast No More Excuses! Thank you once again for reading this, deciding if you’re actually going to listen in and then sharing the podcast with others on your social media!
I’m flying back to Indy today for a week of events – the B!tchez & Booze CONNECTing event we do as well as clients, and a fun photo shoot with my high school friends – we’re all turning 50! [I’m not quite there but this is when we could do it!] Beth Quinn is our photographer, so I’m excited to see the end result! Being here for two weeks now, on one hand I feel pretty settled in and on the others, with not having the stuff off the moving truck yet, I feel a bit chaotic. I just want my printer!!! LOL!
As the last few week’s podcasts have been about cleaning up your environment, purging [for me to pack] and then allowing the change to create adventure! And last week’s podcast was about upgrading your environment. The who and what in your world. That actually came from my coaching class I’m taking for my [re]certification. I thought it was ironic that the professor was talking about it and timely!
Listen in this week as I talk about two solo-entrepreneur’s who told me they were doing the same thing with upgrading their environment! From some changes, they realized what they needed help with and asked!
And what stems from making the upgrades?
Considering that we are officially in the 4th Quarter, let’s take time to reflect on all of that. The changes, the opportunities/adventures, the additional changes, the upgrades… and what it has meant for YOU and your business/career: GROWTH!!
Growth, like other things [change] can be scary and exciting! But you have to be willing to step out of your fuzzy-slippered comfort zone and take risks for it to happen! Are you willing?
I look forward to hearing from you after you listen in this week and let me know!
Have a great week! Cheers!