Podcast #146: What’s Going On?


Welcome back to the weekly podcast No More Excuses!

Thanks for listening, investing in you and for sharing this podcast with others! I greatly appreciate hearing from new listeners and followers, especially when it helps me realize I’m living my WORD of the Year: EXPAND!

Last week’s podcast was about creating YOUR Word of the Year! Did you? If not… download the worksheet here and go back and listen to podcast 145! I heard from quite a few clients and listeners and a few words were: Growth, Consistency and Focus! Great words! Keep your word handy and in front of you so you can make sure you’re being intentional with your efforts. And, when you do your progress check at the end of January, you can see how living by your word is helping you. And, if for some reason you are off-track, how you need to tie your word in to help you get back on-track.

And so now what?

It’s mid-January… ALREADY! You’ve got your word, your goals set (hopefully!) and your action steps. You’re getting back into the groove of routine and habits. And, it’s a perfect time to pause and LOOK AROUND! What are you working on? Doing? What’s helping you? What is distracting or challenging you? 

It’s all about AWARENESS.

Listen in this week as I talk about the importance of awareness, especially in regard to your “DOING/TRYING SOMETHING NEW IN 2019!” Remember that challenge?! 🙂 

I talk about something NEW I (with the help of my tribe) created. And how awareness helped me develop it, and what I need to do to create MORE awareness. 

I look forward to hearing from you!

Have a great week,

Cheers! Sandi