Podcast #86: What Are You Thankful For?

Happy Monday Motivation! Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses! (read to the bottom for the Black Friday special on my books!)

Yes, the title is asking the “typical” question for this time of the year in America… What are YOU thankful for? ***yawn*** But you have to think of it in regards to your goals. 

Last week’s podcast (click here to listen) was about what you were NOT going to give up on. And if you’re having trouble or wanting to just “throw in the towel” and accept the fate that you are given, then move your attention to making a list of what you are thankful for. 

I have a client who said he wasn’t thankful for anything. He’s caught up in a funk right now. Clients are over-demanding and refusing to pay more. This year has been full of clients like that for him. So, when he’s focused on THAT aspect, then, how can he be thankful? By shifting his mind, and yes, I had to point out a couple things that he HAS done. Maybe not this year, but it’s affected this year and his life. He’s “not given up” and even bigger… he stepped out and took a chance, when most people stick with the comfort of a regular paycheck. Now, he can refocus his mind and yes, he has now made his list. 

So, listen in to this week’s podcast and then email me your list of 3 things you are THANKFUL for. What’s helped you get closer to your GOALS? 

Have a Happy Thanksgiving – a great week for those who do not celebrate and regardless… email me! And if you can’t figure it out – email me and we’ll do a FREE 30-minute call. Oh and check out my website for my FREE DIY Goal worksheets!

THANK YOU for sharing this podcast, for coming back week after week and for taking the time to grow personally and professionally!

PS: BLACK FRIDAY (and Small Biz Saturday) SALE on my books! Print: $5.50 and Kindle 99¢

Have a great week! Don’t forget to SHARE this podcast!

