Affiliate Products

Disclaimer: Some of the links in this website are affiliate links that may provide me with a small commission at no cost to you. You can read my full affiliate disclosure in my privacy disclosure.

A quick word of encouragement – You’ve made it this far so give yourself a fighting chance. Read what I have below and click the links to visit the websites and give them a thorough investigation. You have nothing to lose but so much to gain.

CB Passive Income Elite For 2021

Get this Super Affiliate’s flagship product in 2021 for free.

After dedicating 7 years of resources and time to help over 2,892 documented customers to make money online, Patric Chan’s mission of helping thousands to achieve their goals has been accomplished.

But here’s what he has decided to do for you this year:

He is going to give away his entire paid flagship product for absolutely FREE.

Yes – THE ENTIRE TRAINING including the recorded coaching sessions, where his customers paid $297 to get access but yours at zero cost today.

Click below to get it for free now:

CB Passive Income Elite For 2021

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You’re going to learn how to build an affiliate marketing business that generates passive income.


Frank Wesley 


The Commission Machine

This is a simple yet proven method of earning money.

Do you ever get the feeling you’re being ignored?

Welcome to the world of an affiliate marketer.

As more and more affiliates enter the fray promoting more and more products a critical problem is emerging…

It’s becoming nigh-on impossible to get your messages heard, never mind acted upon.

Michael Cheney had the same problem.

He noticed clickthroughs, open rates, and commissions tanking it in
a downward spiral. He wanted a change.

So he spent months picking the brains of the best copywriters, super-affiliates and marketers on the planet.

He developed a simple, proven, and works-for-anyone method of creating colossal commissions.

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And you can do it in 9 minutes or less.

No wonder affiliates of all levels are clamoring to get their hands on this.

Affiliate marketing just got much easier.

It’s called The Commission Machine and it’s THE flagship program on affiliate marketing.

Start making money with this as soon as today!

Commission Machine

Frank Wesley


The Commission Cartel

From the Desk of Michael Cheney
25th February 2021

Dear Friend,

This method is very newbie oriented.

This method is making me $1442.29 per day, 365 days a year – everyone who uses it makes at least $500 within 30 days and…

A lot make $500 in 7 days. Some make $500 in 48 hours. And yes – you can even do this with no list, no website and no ads.

And nobody else is teaching you this. It’s brand new.

Here we go, this ain’t gonna be pretty but you need to hear this stuff;

#1. Thinking affiliate marketing is easy

Affiliate marketing can be a very easy way to make a lot of money – fast BUT…

Only if you do it in the right way. And most people don’t. They’re royally screwing up and their daily $0 commissions are proof of this.

In a moment you’re going to discover the RIGHT way to do affiliate marketing – the way which gets you hundreds of dollars in commissions per day. And you can do this even if you have no list, no experience, no money for traffic and no real clue whatsoever.

#2. Wasting time trying to build a list

Don’t get me wrong here – having a list is cool. And it can make you a lot of money. But you don’t need it when you’re starting out.

The method I’m about to share with you means you can make money fast with no list, no ads and no experience.

You’re gonna love it.

#3. Trying to go it on your own

“I’m of average intelligence I can figure this out on my own.”

“These guys selling information are just trying to make a buck off me.”

“How hard can this be to figure out?”

“I’m gonna see what everyone else is doing and emulate it or even come up with my own, better way.”


With this product, you could literally walk off the street and fall onto your keyboard and make money.

And this is why so many newbies are seeing great success with it.

Is it right for you?


Hands-down it’s right for you;

As a newbie, get your share of the pie.

The Commission Cartel

Frank Wesley


How To Earn Your Living Online

The Only Training You Need To Build A Profitable Online Business

There’s a new “shiny object” released every day.  You can keep jumping from shiny object to shiny object, but let me ask you, how’s that worked out for you so far?  Are you making money?  Before you flit from this page like a fly with A.D.D. you really should check out this video.


I’d like to introduce you to the most important course on Internet marketing ever created. But I’m not asking you to believe me. Let the facts and the testimonials of people who have taken this course, speak for themselves, then make your own decision.

But let me tell you a little more about this course and the reason we can help you learn how to earn as much money as you do in your full time job and, possibly, much, much more on the Internet.

Finally you can ‘discover’ the REAL secrets to online success… the stuff that the ‘gurus’ don’t talk about.

This FAST TRACK intensive training program, How To Earn Your Living Online, was created to help you become a success at selling anything online.  The course teaches you how one regular guy with average intelligence was able to transform a small online income into an automatic powerhouse money machine!  Just avoiding the mistakes most people make could save you thousands of dollars!

Whether your goal is to simply make extra money with your Internet venture or to make $100k+ income or to join the ranks of the INC 500 fastest growing companies, this training program will get you ON TRACK and on the FAST TRACK to a successful online venture, in any niche.

The program is very unique, and you have never seen anything like it on the Internet or off the Internet. You’ll discover the secrets of a successful Internet venture that you can model, adapt and modify and use for any kind of online business– no matter if you’re selling widgets, digital products, flowers, computers, collectibles, wholesale or retail, online or offline…

Get started today.

How To Earn Your Living Online

Frank Wesley