Podcast #257: Envision Them FIRST!

HAPPY MONDAY MOTIVATION Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses. Thank you for being here, listening and investing in YOU! It’s time to welcome the month of MARCH! And time to get a move on! What’s your goal for the month? And WOMEN…

Black History … And The Future

Black History Month is a time to remember and reflect on Black heritage. This hour features powerful conversations from past episodes on how we can confront the past to move toward a better future. Guests include historian and preservationist Brent Leggs, community organizer Colette Pichon Battle, and computer scientist Joy Buolamwini.

Podcast #256: Resistance is Futile

HAPPY MONDAY MOTIVATION Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses. Thank you for listening and sharing the podcasts and connecting with me on social media. Yes, we’re two months into 2021, two-thirds of the way through the first quarter….

The Gratitude Chain: A.J. Jacobs

When A.J. Jacobs set out to thank everyone who made his morning cup of coffee, he realized the chain of thank-yous was endless. This hour, Jacobs shares ideas on gratitude—and how to make it count.

Podcast #255: How Much Are You Having?

HAPPY MONDAY MOTIVATION Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses. Thank you for listening and sharing the podcasts and connecting with me on social media. We are just flying through February, aren’t we? Time flies when we’re having FUN,…

Podcast #254: Do You Really?

HAPPY MONDAY MOTIVATION Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses. Thank you for listening and sharing the podcasts and connecting with me on social media. What if you had never come across this podcast, or what if I had never started this…

It Takes Time

We live in an era of instant gratification. But some things — to reach their full potential — simply cannot be rushed. This hour, TED speakers explore what we can learn from ideas that take time. Guests include zoologist Lucy Cooke, neuroscientist Matthew Walker, architect Julia Watson, and NASA engineer Nagin Cox.

Podcast #253: What are Yours?

HAPPY MONDAY MOTIVATION Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses. Thank you for listening and sharing the podcasts and connecting with me on social media. One month down already! Welcome to February. And, if you’re like many others out…

Podcast #252: Are you Ready?

HAPPY MONDAY MOTIVATION Welcome back to the weekly podcast, No More Excuses. Thank you for listening and sharing the podcasts and connecting with me on social media. It was quite the start to 2021, and as much as things at times still feel uncertain…